Learn about the different styles of men’s floral shirts and cool ways to wear any of style Hawaiian shirt. Create your own ultra-cool beach shirt style.
Every year, thousands of tourists flock to the small islands to get a taste of the rich culture found only in Hawaii. To this day, the energy and spirit of Aloha flow through strongly the islands of Hawaii, allowing it to radiate energies of love and compassion for others.
Pono, like many Hawaiian words, does not have a one-to-one-word English translation. If there were one, it would probably be "righteousness," as in the state motto: "Ua Mau ke Ea o ka Aina i ka Pono," or "The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness."
When you think of Magnum PI, you probably think of Tom Selleck in his classic red Aloha shirt. But it was not the only one. Here are a few more shirts worn on the show and some background info about them.